The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers
The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers


ITE (initial teacher education) and HE (higher education) are full of acronyms. Here are some of the ones you are likely to encounter.

  • APPG - All party parliamentary group. These are informal cross-party groups that invite organisations to help them understand issues.
  • AMiE - Association for Mathematics in Education
  • ATM - Association for Teachers of Mathematics
  • External Examiner - A tutor from another institution who serves to provide QA and ensure comparability of standards.
  • HE - Higher Education
  • ITE / ITT - Initial Teacher Education / Initial Teacher Training
  • JMC - The Joint Mathematical Council of the UK
  • MA - The Mathematical Association 
  • Maths Hubs - The NCETM runs these groups in England to provide local support. There may be an ITE group in your local maths hub.
  • NAMA - The National Association of Mathematics Advisers
  • NANAMIC - The National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges
  • NCETM - The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
  • NSS - National Student Survey is an annual survey of student satisfaction with their completed course.
  • Office for Students - This is the regulator for HE in England.
  • QAA - The Quality Assurance Agency sets the frameworks and standards for HE.
  • REF - The Research Excellence Framework
  • SKE - Subject Knowledge Enhancement These courses are run for potential ITE students who need to top up their subject knowledge and are common in mathematics.
  • TEF - The Teaching Excellence Framework. The Office for Students runs this in England to rate institutions on the quality of their teaching.
  • UCAS - The University and Colleges Application Service
  • UCET - The Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers

Want to join us?

If you'd like to become a member, please use our contact form.

AMET Joining Form
AMET Joining form 2021.docx
Microsoft Word document [43.1 KB]


Conferences - booking now open

Those who can, teach teachers

Joint NAMA/AMET CPD Extravaganza 

Friday 28th February and Saturday 1st March 2025

Foxborough Primary School Slough SL3 8TX

Booking is  open until 12th Feb:


Future Proofing the Curriculum

Conference of the joint maths subject associations

Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th April 2025

Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough

Early bird savings until 31st January 2025. Click here to book. 





If you have ideas for webinars you would like to see next academic year please get in touch. 


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