The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers
The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers

Join AMET - the voice for mathematics education teachers

Do you work in pre- or in-service teacher education? Does your interest lie with mathematics? If you would like the opportunity to share your practice and learn what others are doing then join us. 


AMET provides a community where members can network, share ideas and discuss issues, particularly in the context of new government and inspection initiatives. AMET run a series of webinars and an annual conference. Members receive email updates informing them of developments in the mathematics education world. Through AMET, members’ voices can be heard in national forums, such as the Joint Mathematics Council (JMC) and the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Teaching Profession.  


We are the voice for mathematics teacher education in the UK. Your joining us will increase our strength as representatives of the majority of those working in mathematics teacher education.

New ITE Maths Tutor Induction

Over the summer we added a new ITE Maths Tutor Induction area to the website. This includes a page on becoming a Teacher Educator, the structures of ITE and HE generally. There is also a page about research, ITE and HE networks. There is further support about assessment and some links to literature. Finally there is a glossary of acronyms in ITE. This academic year we will be further developing our plans to support new ITE Maths tutors.


Let us know if there is anything we should add to the site!  

New Mathematics Subject Association

The five classroom-facing mathematics subject associations: AMET, ATM, MA, NAMA and NANAMIC have been exploring the formation of a new mathematics organisation that would incorporate all their members. Documents related to this can be found on the Membership page.


There is an FAQs document in the Membership area that has been compiled following the January meeting. 


At their AGMs on 3rd April, 2023 all five organisations voted in favour of pursing the next stage of this process. The AMET vote was 98% in favour.

Maths Is More

AMET was one of the many organisations supporting the Maths is More group in their efforts to promote a positive view of mathematics education. After three highly successful webinars, the group has completed its remit with a summary article. This can be found in the Resources area. It includes links to videos of the three events on YouTube. 


Want to join us?

If you'd like to become a member, please use our contact form.

AMET Joining Form
AMET Joining form 2021.docx
Microsoft Word document [43.1 KB]


Conferences - booking now open

Those who can, teach teachers

Joint NAMA/AMET CPD Extravaganza 

Friday 28th February and Saturday 1st March 2025

Foxborough Primary School Slough SL3 8TX

Booking is  open until 12th Feb:


Future Proofing the Curriculum

Conference of the joint maths subject associations

Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th April 2025

Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough

Early bird savings until 31st January 2025. Click here to book. 





If you have ideas for webinars you would like to see next academic year please get in touch. 


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© The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers