The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers
The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers

Assessment support

Assessment is an area where new ITE tutors often feel uncertain. You might find these helpful.


Free pack on Assessment and Feedback in HE


The Role of Assessment in Teacher Education - further reading




Becoming a Teacher Educator

Andragogy, the teaching of adults, is often a new concept for those starting in ITE, who have been used to pedagogy, the teaching of children. This webpage is a useful introduction:


Developing a teacher educator identity is part of the transition from teaching children to teaching adults. This article may help you reflect on this: Research on teacher educators' teacher identities


You might find the US standards for preparing maths teachers interesting. 


This article by Murray and Male (2005) is quite old but gives a good overview of key issues.


Send us your suggestions of things you think others would find useful.

Want to join us?

If you'd like to become a member, please use our contact form.

AMET Joining Form
AMET Joining form 2021.docx
Microsoft Word document [43.1 KB]



Friday 28th February and Saturday 1st March 2025

Joint NAMA/AMET CPD Extravaganza

We are planning for an extended ‘CPD Saturday’ with NAMA, running over two days and taking place near Slough. Full details will follow next term; keynote are confirmed and we are very excited. 


Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th April 2025

Future Proofing the Curriculum

Conference of the joint maths subject associations

Holywell Park Conferece Centre, Loughborough


Save the dates!



Wednesday 13th November 4 - 5 pm

Can you solve it? Problem solving in ITE

Bring along your favourite problem solving activities to share.

 Members have been sent the link. Non-members can book through Eventbrite.

If you have ideas for webinars you would like to see next academic year please get in touch. 


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© The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers